Everything You Need to Know for the Fed Meeting This Week

by  Aki Ito September 16, 2015 — 6:00 AM CST   The Federal Reserve will meet for two days starting Wednesday and it’s the most highly-anticipated gathering in years. On the agenda: A potential interest-rate increase, which would mark an end to almost seven years of holding borrowing costs near zero. Here are the stories we’ve written […]

This Is THE WEEK! Finally!

September 14, 2015 · by Chuck Butler Good day… And a Marvelous Monday to you! Yes, I came back! There were questions about coming back, when our plane was delayed 2.5 hours getting out of Houston… Seems they took that time to upgrade their software on the plane… I was surprised they told us that, […]


August 28, 2015 By Mary Anne & Pamela Aden Gold has been volatile. Some feel the lows are behind us, but others disagree. With gold swinging up and down, this is a good time to stand back and review what the charts are telling us, to get some perspective on the situation… Chart 1 is […]

This Is What Oil at $40 Means for the U.S. Economy

Bloomberg August 28, 2015 The price of oil has tumbled 58 percent this year to reach a six-year low earlier this week. Even if prices stay at these levels, chances are they won’t impact the Federal Reserve’s interest-rate plans. Seventy percent of economists in a Bloomberg News survey said crude oil prices around $40 per barrel for the […]

Core capital goods orders post largest rise in year

Wed Aug 26, 2015 10:11am EDT   BY LUCIA MUTIKANI A gauge of U.S. business investment plans posted its largest increase in just over a year in July, underscoring the durability of the economic recovery despite a slowing global economy. The Commerce Department said on Wednesday non-defense capital goods orders excluding aircraft, a closely watched proxy […]

Wall Street opens sharply higher following goods data

Markets | Wed Aug 26, 2015 10:19am EDT   BY TANYA AGRAWAL U.S. stocks opened sharply higher on Wednesday, with all three major indexes up about 2 percent, after data showed durable goods orders rose more than expected in July. Analysts had expected a fall of 4 percent. Orders for core capital goods, a proxy for […]

Don’t be a hero in this market

Published: Aug 25, 2015 3:51 p.m. ET For perspective, through Monday’s close, the Nasdaq Composite has corrected 18.0% on a top-to-bottom basis, or 90% of the way to a bear market. The S&P 500’s decline is 12.5%. While some may term this a “crash,” it does not compare at all with either the fall of […]