About the Editors
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Mary Anne and Pamela Aden are two of the most influential and well known investment analysts, writers and lecturers in the world
They are the co-editors and publishers of The Aden Forecast, a monthly investment newsletter, which specializes in the U.S. and global stock markets, the precious metals and foreign exchange markets, as well as U.S. and international interest rates and bonds.
The Adens are the Directors of Aden Research, based in San Jose, Costa Rica.
They have authored dozens of reports and articles and have spoken at investment seminars around the world. Their work has been featured in newspapers in several countries, in such publications as Business Week, Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, Money Magazine, Smart Money, Barron’s, The London Financial Times, as well as CNBC and the international television documentary, Women of the World.
Mary Anne and Pamela Aden are sisters and they’ve lived in Costa Rica since 1974.

Mary Anne
Our main goal is to consistently help you earn significantly higher investment profits and keep you out of high-risk markets.We look forward to helping you achieve higher investment returns for years to come.

Think of us as your private research center, because that’s what we are. We look forward to working with you for years to come.
Welcome to the family!