Mainstream “Wisdom” That Is Not True

by Chris Weber – The Weber Global Opportunities Report July 15, 2014 As an investor, you are continually hearing quick-drawn, popular conclusions about some asset or other. That this agreed-upon, mainstream and conventional “wisdom” is usually the opposite of the real truth I think I have shown many times in my newsletter. Grasping that fact at the […]

“It’s long been wondered where gold comes from…”

From Richard Russell’s Remark of May 28, 2014 — Matt’s Market Insights “It’s long been wondered where gold comes from. Until last year it was generally thought that gold was created during supernovas, the explosions signaling the death of giant stars. Stars are nature’s nuclear reactors, responsible for creating all elements heavier than hydrogen and […]

What I Personally Use to Track My Investments

By Dr. Steve Sjuggerud   Monday, April 21, 2014 “How do you track your investments?” “You tell us to use “trailing stops”… but how do you track them?” “What do you personally use for investment charts and data?” I get asked these questions all of the time. Two truths… We pay six figures a year in data and […]

The Biggest Mistake You’ll Make When You Retire

By Mark Ford, wealth coach, The Palm Beach Letter , Thursday, March 20, 2014 I consider myself to be an expert of sorts on retirement. Not because I’ve studied the subject, but because I’ve retired three times.  Yes, I’m a three-time failure at retiring. But I’ve learned from my mistakes. Today, I’d like to tell you about the worst […]

Coming Natural Resource Market Will ‘Elate or Terrify You’

March 17, 2014 Rick Rule, Chairman of Sprott Global Resource Investments Ltd., has been involved in natural resource for four decades. Rick says he expects some familiar patterns to emerge in the coming year. See below for his most recent comments. Photo credit: Cambridge House International Sprott Global: Rick, you’ve predicted an impending bear-market bottom […]

10 Ways to Screw Up Your Retirement

Dennis Miller, Senior Editor, “Miller’s Money Forever” There are many creative ways to screw up your retirement. Let me show you how it’s done. Supporting adult children. My wife and I have friends with an unmarried, unemployed daughter who had a child. Our friends adopted their grandchild and are now in their late sixties raising […]

Did I Hear That Yellen Greased The Tracks?

February 28, 2014 · by Chuck Butler Good Day!  And a Happy Friday to one and all! Another week in the books… That takes me to less than 2 weeks before I head south to Spring Training… As I walked across the wind tunnel bridge, freezing my tail off this morning, I thought about how much I dislike […]

2014: The Year of Commodities?

February 23, 2014 · by Timothy Smith At the beginning of last year, Wall Street analysts predicted commodities and precious metals would be the biggest winners of 2013. Their rationale was simple: with central banks around the globe printing money, the price of commodities should go up. We now know how wrong the analysts were. Gold, silver and […]