Posts by Chuck Butler

On Second Thought, Maybe A Trade War Isn’t A Good Idea!

June 26, 2018 Blog 0 Comments

June 26, 2018 * Currencies rally, then fall back… * More warnings that a recession in near… Good Day… And a Tom Terrific Tuesday to you! How was your World Beatles Day? Mine was fine… not much going on, lots of reading. Had a nice phone conversation with good friend, Dennis Miller, who told me that 191 of you dear Pfennig Readers signed up for his letter and the special report I highlighted last week! Way to go! Of course in my mind, I would have thought tens of thousands should have signed up… But what do I know? HA! The Big Bad Cleveland Indians came to town last night and well, Cardinals’ pitchers shut them out! YAHOO! Triumph greets me this morning with their song: Lay It On The Line… I sure would like to see these currency rallies move as fast going up and they do going down! Yesterday, saw the euro gain from 1.1668 to 1.1705 on the day, not a huge move, but at least the euro has a 1.17 handle again, is what I thought when I turned the currency screen yesterday afternoon! ..

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Trade War Drums Beat Louder, and Louder!

June 25, 2018 Blog 0 Comments

June 25, 2018 * Currencies rally on the Trade War news… * David Rosenberg visits the Pfennig again! Good Day, and a Marvelous Monday to you! Well, my oncologist gave me a high 5 last Thursday, and lowered the dosage on my chemo… It’s a start to being chemo free… At least that’s my hope! Last Thursday night, I watched, probably the worst played game of baseball by my beloved Cardinals that I had ever seen! I was so disgusted with them at that point, but by Sunday, they were back to playing baseball the right way… Strange team, folks… a very strange team, and again I lay that all at the feet of the manager… Today is World Beatles Day… So, with that in mind, I’ll be playing Beatles music all day, and in the car I’ll have it on the Beatles station on Sirius XM… So, the Beatles greeted me today with their song: And I Love Her… (one of my fave Beatles song, YAY!) Friday saw the currencies rebound a bit, with the Big Dog, euro, gaining a full cent on the day… The Trade War Drums are be..

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Russia Dumps 1/2 Of Their Treasury Holdings…

June 20, 2018 Blog 0 Comments

June 20, 2018 * The euro attempts to rebound, but is pulled back down * David Rosenberg on this Wonderful Wednesday! Good Day… And a Wonderful Wednesday to you! Another day of extreme heat in my area yesterday. I hear we are supposed to be receiving a break in this heat streak, but I never trust what the weather people say! They always have an “excuse” for being wrong! Well, now, wait a minute Chuck, you always seem to have an excuse when you’re wrong too! Oh, so now I’m a meteorologist? HA! OK, enough of that silliness… Elton John greets me this morning with his song: Levon… He was born a pauper to a pawn on a Christmas Day when the NY Times said God is dead, and the war begun… And once again yesterday, the euro attempted to tend to its wounds afflicted on it by European Central Bank (ECB) President , Mario Draghi… I do believe that calmer heads saw the euro under the bus, and attempted to pull it to safety… But the sellers were still in charge, and the euro only gained about 1..

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