Posts by Chuck Butler

Can We All Just Get Along?

July 16, 2018 Blog 0 Comments

July 16, 2018 * Consumer Debt Soars In June! * Currencies attempt to come back! Good Day… And a Marvelous Monday to you! Thanks so much for understanding my plight last Thursday I must have scared a few people, as even my good friend, Duane, sent me a text, asking me if I was OK? It all passed by Thursday afternoon, and Friday was a new day, full of sunshine and lollipops! I have no idea why the medicine whacks me out like that sometimes… But, I guess I have to say thanks to the Lord, that it doesn’t whack me out like that all the time! The Pousette Dart Band greets me this morning with their song: Amnesia… I hope that it’s only amnesia, believe me I’m sick but not insane! The currencies fought back on Friday to gain a bit VS the dollar, on the day. The week of relatively little economic data came to and end last Friday with a weaker Consumer Confidence Index for July, printing at 97.1 down from June’s 98.2… On Thursday last week, the U.S. printed its Federal Budget number, and i..

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July 12, 2018 Blog 0 Comments

July 13, 2018 Good Day… And a Tub Thumpin’ Thursday to you! I’m not going to be able to participate in the Tub Thumpin’ today, folks… In fact this is going to a record for the shortest Pfennig ever! The meds have whacked me out, I was awake almost half the night, and finally got to sleep when the alarm went off… I’ve tolerated this new chemo to a degree, and that has been run over with a Mack Truck this morning… So, I’ll give you the currency roundup, and head back to bed, hopefully by noon or so, this death warmed over feeling will have stopped! There’s been more dollar buying overnight, and the currencies all are getting knocked around, along with the price of Oil and the Gold, I guess it’s a good thing I’m not commenting on all this today, I would probably say something that got me in deep dookie… Currencies today 7/13/18…. American Style: A$ .7383, kiwi .6758, C$ .7576, euro 1.1652, sterling 1.3190, Swiss $1.0014, European Style: rand 13.4350, krone 8.1152, SEK 8.8675, forint ..

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Another Overnight Ambush On The Currencies!

July 11, 2018 Blog 0 Comments

July 11, 2018 * The boys in the band show up Tuesday * Currencies once again get sold overnight… Good day… And a Wonderful Wednesday to you! I went out and made sure that I had a Tom Terrific Tuesday yesterday… Did you? I sure hope so, but if not, you can make it up today with a Wonderful Wednesday! I see my beloved Cardinals won last night, when I went to bed the score was 4-2 in favor of the Cardinals. And they wound up with a football score winning 14-2… The Marshall Tucker Band greets me this morning with their song: Heard It In A Love Song… Well, the currencies didn’t move much yesterday, if anything they firmed up a bit, as the bounce from the dollar in the overnight markets Monday night was brought to an end. Last night in the overnight markets saw the same kind of trading we saw the previous night, with the dollar being bought, for some unknown reason… Oh, there’s the usual suspect of excuses for this dollar buying… The Fed’s on a faster pace to hike rates, a flight to s..

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